Friday, March 1, 2024

event - Mongolness at the China-Tibet border

crossposting for the March 6, 2024 online event
The Re-invention of Mongolness at the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands



📌地點Venue:HC103, HSS Building 3, Guangfu Campus, NYCU 陽明交大光復校區 人社三院HC103教室

📌Zoom Link 會議:

   Meeting ID 會議ID: 865 3118 7307

   Password 密碼: 437907

Speaker 講者:Ute Wallenböck博士(Assistant professor, Department of Chinese Studies, Masaryk University 捷克馬薩里克大學中國研究系助理教授)

Host 主持人:Allen Chun 陳奕麟(Research Fellow, International Center for Cultural Studies, NYCU 國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心專任研究員)

Abstract 講座內容:

Contemporary Henan Mongol autonomous county in Qinghai province is a small Mongol enclave located within the Tibetan cultural area of Amdo at the Sino-Tibetan borderlands. The arrival of the first Mongol settlers was in the 13th century, and with the establishment of the Khoshut authority over the Kokonor region under Gushri Khan, the Mongols gained power all over the region until 1723. By then, the Kokonor region came under the administration of the Qing court but under the power of local Tibetan rulers – except the area of the Hequ grassland which remained in the hands of the Mongols until the incorporation into the modern Chinese state in 1954.

Due to the long-term mutual contacts between Tibetans and Mongols - a milieu was created in which unique local customs, language patterns, and social communities have emerged; the origins of which lie in encounters between Tibetan and Mongol culture that share certain features to form a new distinct culture. With the twentieth century, the underlying Mongolness was no longer assumed but began to be reaffirmed, so hyphenation began to emerge among groups in order to emphasize their Mongolness to others. Since the 1980s, the Henan Mongols are beneficiaries of the party state's civilising projects to retain their distinct identity by re-inventing their "Mongolness." Hence, the speaker is pursuing the question of the identity construction of the people of contemporary Henan County by looking at the multiple factors influencing their Mongolness. The findings are based on information she has collected during various long-term stays and research trips in Henan County since the late 1990s, which were supplemented by cross-checking printed sources, such as official records, local history materials and inner-party materials in Tibetan and Chinese.




MOE-SPROUT 2.0, Conflict, Justice, Decolonization: Asia in Transition in the 21st Century

ICCS Director and Principal Investigator: Joyce C.H. Liu

✴️所屬子計畫Research Cluster|
Sub-project 1: The Geopolitics and Cultural Economy of Societal Relations in a New GreaterChina

✴️計畫主持人Principal Investigator|
陳奕麟Allen Chun

R103, HA2, 1001 University Road,
East District, Hsinchu, TAIWAN(R.O.C.)

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